About the project

Collection BIOMUS is a collection of Swedish artists in collaboration with the State Biology museum named after K.A. Timiryazev in Moscow. Every artist has his own point of view: poetic, descriptive or problematizing, whereas the common ground is a strong interest in NATURE, to use plants and animals as an artistic motive.

We wanted to colaborate with the the staff of the Biology museum and thought the Moscow Biennale was an interesting context for Swedish artists in Moscow. Project "Collection BIOMUS / Museum Fantasies" was selected for the Special program of the "6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art" and the sequel "Collection BIOMUS / Our Birches, Your Birches" was part of the Parallel program of the "7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art". "Collection BIOMUS / Sekretiki" was part of the Parallel program of the 8th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art.

Ulrika Christell


The Biology Museum

The State Biology Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev

RUSSIA, 123 242 Moscow, Malaya Gruzinskaya st., 15


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