project 2017

Collection BIOMUS / Our Birches, Your Birches

17 September - 5 November 2017

The project involves artists from Sweden and Russia, who are working in different techniques and materials but united by their interest in studying and depicting nature. Each of them has his own view: poetic, descriptive or problematic. Their works will be placed in the exposition space of the museum, in close proximity to the natural biological objects.
In the name of the exhibition birches are not mentioned accidentally. Birches grow almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere and many peoples consider it to be their symbol. They dedicates songs and poems to it, connects it with beliefs and use it in rituals. The birch is the most beloved tree in Russia, her symbol.
Every artist participating in the exhibition share his thoughts about the fact that nature has no boundaries and helps us to overcome real or imaginary boundaries. The house on Malaya Gruzinskaya Street, where the exhibition will be held, can itself serve as a metaphor for unity and lack of boundaries because it was built with the participation of a Swedish architect in the Russian style. Once there was a museum of Pyotr Ivanovich Shchukin, who collected works of art of different peoples, and now here is a biological museum, a museum of the science of life, which has no boundaries at all.
The project includes an exhibition and a program of video art, lectures and master classes.

Venue: The State Biology museum named after K.A. Timiryazev

Curators: Ulrika Christell, Olga Zubareva

Artists: Carin Carlsson, Ulrika Christell, Tomas Lidén, Camilla Lindén & Fredrik Söderberg, Lars-Göran & Galina Yeudakimchikov Malmquist

7th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art

19 September 2017 - 18 January 2018

7th Moscow International Biennale of Contemporary Art supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federationand the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan

New Tretyakov Gallery (The State Tretyakov Gallery, 10, Krymsky Val, Moscow)

Curator - Yuko Hasegawa (Japan) Curatorial assistant - Seiha Kurosawa (Japan)

The Birches in Press Reviews

Мослента: Заоблачная Бюрк

Moslenta: Heavenly Björk

Коммерсант: Что смотреть на 7-й Московской биеннале современного искусства

Kommersant: What to see at the 7th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art

MKRU: Самые интригующие проекты главного столичного арт-события осени. Отголоски революции, глюки и березовая лихорадка: параллельная программа Московской биеннале.

MKRU: The most intriguing projects of the main Moscow art event this autumn. Echoes of the revolution, glitches and birch fever: The Parallel program of the Moscow Biennale.


Город Москва: Гид по Московской биеннале: как не заблудиться в «Заоблачных лесах»

Moscow City: Guide to the Moscow Biennale: How to not get lost in "Transcendental Forests"

Collection BIOMUS / Life, Death and Trees

21 April - 2 September 2018

The Biennal project "Our Birches, Your Birches" was followed the next year by an exhibition of paintings and prints.

Venue: The State Biology museum named after K.A. Timiryazev

Curators: Ulrika Christell, Olga Zubareva

Artists: Carin Carlsson, Mattias Fagerholm. Tomas Lidén, Mia Malmlöf, Lars-Göran Yeudakimchikov Malmquist, Galina Yeudakimchikava Malmquist

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